[2024-07-01T19:17:54Z WARN aligned] Missing keystore used for payment. This proof will not be included if sent to Eth Mainnet
[2024-07-01T19:17:54Z INFO aligned] Submitting proofs to the Aligned batcher...
[2024-07-01T19:19:18Z INFO aligned] Batch inclusion data written into ./aligned_verification_data/e367d76e_0.json
[2024-07-01T19:19:18Z INFO aligned] Proofs submitted to aligned. See the batch in the explorer:
[2024-07-01T19:19:18Z INFO aligned] https://explorer.alignedlayer.com/batches/0xe367d76e832edec893d3a9027b3c231b2e3994c47acfac2e67197c13c9be0c4c
Use the link in the response to check the status of your transaction in the Aligned explorer.
After three Ethereum blocks, you should be able to check if it has been verified with the CLI using