Operator FAQ

The EigenLayer Operator FAQ is available here.

How do I get whitelisted to run an operator?

To get whitelisted, you need to fill out the form available here and wait for the Aligned team to approve your request.

What RPC should I use?

We suggest you use your own nodes for better performance and reliability. Note that the node must support HTTP and WebSockets.

We also recommend the following RPC providers:

The default configuration uses the public nodes RPC.

Since v0.5.2, there is a fallback mechanism to have two RPCs, so you need to add a second RPC for redundancy.

How can I check if the version I'm using is the latest one?

You can check the latest version available on the releases' page.

How do I check the operator version registered on the Aligned version tracking system?

You can get the registered version of your operator by running the following command:

curl https://holesky.tracker.alignedlayer.com/versions/<operator_address>

Replace <operator_address> with your operator address.

In future releases, the explorer will show the operator version and the latest available version.

How do I check the operator version locally?

To see the operator version, run:

./operator/build/aligned-operator --version

You have to be in the root aligned-layer directory to run this command.

This will show the version of the operator you have built in your filesystem.

How do I get the ID of the operator?

You can get the ID of the operator by running the following command:

cast call \
	--rpc-url https://ethereum-holesky-rpc.publicnode.com \
	0xD0A725d82649f9e4155D7A60B638Fe33b3F25e3b \
	"getOperatorId(address operator)(bytes32)" <operator_address>

Note: You need to have installed Foundry

This will return the operator ID if the operator is registered, otherwise it will return 0x.

Last updated