Service Manager Contract

The Aligned Service Manager handles the reception of new batches to Aligned, keeps their status on-chain, and receives their response.

It is a smart contract which receives all new batches, with their Merkle Root and a pointer to where the batch is currently stored. When received, this manager will emit an Event for the Operators to know when there is a new batch to verify.

Then, when receiving a response from the Aggregator, with Operator's aggregated BLS signatures, the Aligned Service Manager checks the BLS signature to verify the Operators were in fact those who processed the batch and its responded status.

Once verified, it will emit another Event, for anyone interested (for example, the Explorer) to know that the batch was verified by the operators. This batch is now verified and Users can know their proofs inside the batch were proven and verified leveraging Ethereum's security.

Details of the contract

Besides the base EigenLayer middleware contracts, the core contract for Aligned is AlignedLayerServiceManager. It is in charge of creating new batch verification tasks, storing batches state and verifying operator responses.


Create new task

function createNewTask(
    bytes32 batchMerkleRoot,
    string calldata batchDataPointer
) external payable

This method is called to create a new batch verification task that will broadcast an event to all operators, signaling that there are new proofs awaiting verification.

  • batchMerkleRoot is a 256 bit hash corresponding to the Merkle Root of the proofs batch to be verified by operators.

  • batchDataPointer is a string representing a link to some specific data storage location. This is used by operators to download the entire batch of proofs.

Respond to task

function respondToTask(
    bytes32 batchMerkleRoot,
    NonSignerStakesAndSignature memory nonSignerStakesAndSignature
) external

This method is used by the Aggregator once the quorum for a particular task has been reached. Its main purpose is to verify the aggregated signature of the operators for the given task, and also that the quorum was reached. After verifying, an event is emitted signaling to any consumer that the batch has reached soft finality.

  • batchMerkleRoot is a 256 bit hash representing the Merkle Root of the batch that has been verified and signed by operators.

  • nonSignerStakesAndSignature is a struct provided by EigenLayer middleware with information about operators' signatures, stakes and quorum for the given task.

Verify batch inclusion

function verifyBatchInclusion(
    bytes32 proofCommitment,
    bytes32 pubInputCommitment,
    bytes32 provingSystemAuxDataCommitment,
    bytes20 proofGeneratorAddr,
    bytes32 batchMerkleRoot,
    bytes memory merkleProof,
    uint256 verificationDataBatchIndex
) external view returns (bool)

A method used for consumers to check that their proof was verified in Aligned. It checks if the batch where the proof was included was verified and if the proof was included in the batch when verifying the Merkle path.

  • proofCommitment, pubInputCommitment, provingSystemAuxDataCommitment, proofGeneratorAddr are the commitments to the verification data sent to the batcher.

  • batchMerkleRoot is a 256 bit hash representing the batch Merkle Root the proof was included in.

  • merkleProof is the Merkle path from the hashed leaf built from the verification data commitments to the root.

  • verificationDataBatchIndex is the index of the proof in the batch where it was included.

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