The Aligned SDK aims to help developers interact with Aligned in a simple way. Some of its functionalities include submitting and verify proofs through the Aligned batcher, as well as checks the inclusion of the verified proofs on-chain. This guide provides an overview of the SDK, its installation, usage, and API details.

You can check the list of supported verifiers here.


To use this SDK in your Rust project, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

aligned-sdk = { git = "" }

API Reference


Submits a proof to the batcher to be verified and returns an aligned verification data struct.

pub async fn submit(
    batcher_addr: &str,
    verification_data: &VerificationData,
    wallet: Wallet<SigningKey>,
) -> Result<Option<AlignedVerificationData>, errors::SubmitError>


  • batcher_addr - The address of the batcher to which the proof will be submitted.

  • verification_data - The verification data for the proof.

  • wallet - The wallet used to sign the proof.


  • Result<Option<AlignedVerificationData>>, SubmitError> - An aligned verification data or an error.


  • MissingParameter if the verification data vector is empty.

  • SerdeError if there is an error serializing the verification data.

  • ConnectionError if there is an error sending the message to the websocket.


Submits mulitple proofs to the batcher to be verified and returns an aligned verification data array.

pub async fn submit_multiple(
    batcher_addr: &str,
    verification_data: &[VerificationData],
    wallet: Wallet<SigningKey>,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<AlignedVerificationData>>, errors::SubmitError>


  • batcher_addr - The address of the batcher to which the proof will be submitted.

  • verification_data - A verification data array.

  • wallet - The wallet used to sign the proof.


  • Result<Option<Vec<AlignedVerificationData>>>, SubmitError> - An aligned verification data array or an error.


  • MissingParameter if the verification data vector is empty.

  • SerdeError if there is an error serializing the verification data.

  • ConnectionError if there is an error sending the message to the websocket.


Checks if the proof has been verified with Aligned and is included in the batch on-chain.

pub async fn verify_proof_onchain(
    aligned_verification_data: AlignedVerificationData,
    chain: Chain,
    eth_rpc_url: &str,
) -> Result<bool, errors::VerificationError>


  • aligned_verification_data - The aligned verification data obtained when submitting the proofs.

  • chain - The chain on which the verification will be done.

  • eth_rpc_url - The URL of the Ethereum RPC node.


  • Result<bool, VerificationError> - A boolean indicating whether the proof was verified on-chain and is included in the batch or an error.


  • EthError if there is an error creating the rpc provider.

  • ParsingError if there is an error parsing the address of the contract.

  • EthError if there is an error verifying the proof on-chain.


Generates a keccak256 hash commitment of the verification key.

pub fn get_verification_key_commitment(
    content: &[u8]
) -> [u8; 32]


  • content - A byte slice of the verification key.


  • [u8; 32] - A 32-byte array representing the keccak256 hash of the verification key.

Last updated