Generating proofs for Aligned



This guide assumes that:

  • sp1 prover installed (instructions here)

  • sp1 project to generate the proofs (instructions here)

  • aligned installed (instructions here)

How to generate a proof

Aligned only verifies SP1 in compressed version. You can check you are using compressed by opening script/src/ and check that the proof is generated with client.prove_compressed instead of client.prove.

First, open a terminal and navigate to the script folder in the sp1 project directory

Then, run the following command to generate a proof:

cargo run --release

How to get the proof verified by Aligned

After generating the proof, you will have to find two different files:

  • proof file: usually found under script directory, with the name proof.json or similar

  • elf file: usually found under program/elf/ directory

Then, you can send the proof to the Aligned network by running the following command

aligned submit \
--proving_system SP1 \
--proof <proof_path> \
--vm_program <vm_program_path> \
--conn wss:// \
--proof_generator_addr <proof_generator_addr>

Where proof path is the path to the proof file and vm program path is the path to the elf file.

For more instructions on how to submit proofs, check the Submitting proofs guide.



This guide assumes that:

  • Gnark library is installed. If not, install it using the following command inside your Go module:

go get
  • gnark project to generate the proofs, instructions here

How to generate a proof

Open a terminal and navigate to the gnark project directory. Then, run the following command to generate the proof:

go run circuit.go

How to get the proof verified by Aligned

After generating the proof, you will have to have three different files:

  • proof file

  • verification key file

  • public input file

For a detailed guide on how to generate those files, refer to our detailed guide.

Then, you can send the proof to the Aligned network by running the following command

aligned submit \
--proving_system GnarkPlonkBn254 \
--proof <proof_path> \
--public_input <public_input_path>
--vk <verification_key_path> \
--conn wss:// \
--proof_generator_addr <proof_generator_addr>

Where proof path is the path to the proof file, public input path is the path to the public input file, and verification key path is the path to the verification key file.

For more instructions on how to submit proofs, check the Submitting proofs guide.

Last updated